Top 6 Key To Success In Life (Secrets of Highly Wealthy People like Elon Musk)

Narayan Solanki
8 min readMar 22, 2021

Here in this post I will revel you the 6 key to success in life. If you implement this secret to success key in your life then your life will not be the same again. Almost all the people in the world want to Successful but they don’t know from where to start. They even try many things but at last remain unsuccessful and hence stop trying after that. My life is completely change and many others too by just implementing this 6 key to success. Yours too will and I am sure about it. So let’s get started.

” If you want to become wealthy and happy just learn this success key very well .”

1.Clarity :

95% of your success is determine by how clear you are about the things that it is you want. your Goal should be so simple that even a 6 year old child can understand it easily.

1 .Write It Down :

Only 3 % of people has written goal and this 3 % earn 10X the people who are without any written goal.

2 .Set A Deadline :

Set a date till you want your goal to be accomplished. If you do not achieve it by the date you mentioned don’t worry just push the date to next date. Your manifestation of your goal depend on the law of incubation. So don’t worry and have a faith in the process and believe that it will manifest at a right time in your life.

3 .Make A List :

Make a list of all the People, Institute, Seminar, Programs, Books ,Subject you can learn, Skill you can develop that will helps you to achieve you goal .Make a list of at least 10,15,20 things.

4 .Organize The List :

Now comes an important part you will organize the list According to the priority. Give numbering 1,2,3… until it is completed and ones it is done move to next step.

5 .Take Action :

Take Action on the 1st item of your list, do it immediately. The hardest part of achieving your goal is to take the first step. Most of the People don’t have a sufficient willpower and self discipline to take the first step. The secret is this you just have to take the 1st move and ones you reach their 2 steps will be clear and ones you reach 2nd steps 3rd move will be clear and so on .

And ones you got the momentum and it will if you just take the 1st move. So According to the law of momentum better ideas will spark in your mind during your journey and your goal will start moving towards you. Its the law of attraction that is working for you. Many people have misunderstood the law of attraction, Law of attraction only works when you are taking action and moving towards your goal .

” Some People will read this and take action and some will not. 10% will and 90% will not. it’s called 10/90 rule “.

Jim Rohn

2. Competence or Personal Excellence :

Every top 10 % of people started from bottom 10%. The no 1 predictor of personal success is that you do excellent work.

Below is the exercise it will helps you in this.
If you have a magic wand and you just wave around and wish for whatever it is that you want then what it is that you wish for and write your answer on sheet of paper.
1.What that one skill or activities that you can develop over night make your income double?
2.What that one skill or activities is?

You must be very clear about the answer . If you don’t know the answer then you can do one thing go to your boss and ask him below questions.

1.What one skill that I develope will make me highly productive in my work.
2. What one activities if I do every single day will make my income double?
3.What one habit if I Develope will make a powerful impact on my life?

Whatever answer you boss or mentor gives you make this skill as your major definite goal and make a plan to achieve it. Whether you are ready or not start taking action on it everyday until you achieve it or you master it.

Always remember you have to pay the price for the thing that it is you want and you are paying the price by consistently taking action towards it.

3.Constraints :

Constraints means it is a problem or obstacles that stop you achieving your goal.
Ask yourself below questions.
1.What is it holding me back to double my income?
2.Why I am not earning double my income now?

Remember 80/20 Rule :

80 percent of reason why you are not achieving your goal is inside yourself. If you are not taking continues action that means you have not decided yet to achieve your goal . “you can double or triple your income by just using good time management skill in just 3 to 6 months.

Many people have done this you too can. Many people don’t achieve their goal due to lack of self discipline and hence give excuses and hence procrastinate.

Self discipline is a most important ingredient in your success and you develop it with practice. Most Successful people continuously thinking about how to achieve their goal in terms of action.

When you think about your goal it makes you happy and you become positive most of the time hence it raises your self confidence and thus increases your self esteem.

“Making the simple complicated is commonplace. Making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that’s creativity.”

Charles Mingus

4. Creativity:

Creativity is a natural part of your brain. We all are very creative by born.
Let me give you an example suppose someone gave you a cup of tee and he forgot to add the sugar now you add the 1 spoon of sugar inside the tea cup but you didn’t stirred it and immediately you drank it what will happen you will not get the taste. Why? because sugar was settled at the bottom as we didn’t stirred it. Similarly as we grow Creativity settle down inside our mind because we stop stirring it.

But here is a good news Creativity can be stirred up by right kind of questioning irrespective of your age. Questioning is the key to Creativity. Make a daily habit of Questioning it will spark creativity inside you and you will come up with a better idea which can move you faster towards your goal.

1. What is holding me back?
2. What if I did this?
3. what if I do that?
4. What if possible if I double my income?
5. What if have to happen in order to reach from where I now to where I want to go in my life?
6. What if I engaged in different activities?

Let me share with you a Creativity exercise which almost all the highly successful people use in their life.
1.Take a sheet of paper.
2.Write down your major definite goal in question How can I double my income by(write down the date)?

Write down at least 20 answer to this question. ones you are done with this ask yourself what one idea I can implement immediately from this list ones you got the answer then circle it and take action immediately right now. Action is key here .

“When every physical and mental resources is focused, one’s power to solve a problem multiplies tremendously.”

5. Concentrate :

Concentrate single minded on one thing until it is completed. Focus is the most important key to success. In a party when someone ask Warren Buffett and Bill gates what is their most important key to success they both said Focus. All the Successful people focus on only very few things and master them.

Law of 3 :

If you make a list of every things that you have to do in upcoming week, month or a year. Look at the list carefully and circle 3 things which contribute 90 % of value in your life.

You can refer below questions to come up with 3 things on your list.
1. If I can do only one thing on the list all day long which activity will have a greatest positive impact on my life or If I can do only one thing on the list all day long which activity will double my income?
2. If I can do only 2 things all day long what will be the 2nd ?
3. If I can do only 3 things all day long what will be the 3rd ?

Rule For High Productivity :

Do fewer things in your life and do them more often time and get better in all those areas.

Secret of highly productive and wealthiest peole in the world.

Most important time management or personal productive principles.

1.Make a list of things you want to do on that particular day before starting out your day.
2. Select one item that is most important in terms of potential consequences.
3. Start immediately with that one task and work on it 100 % of the time until it is get completed. If you can stick to this process mentioned above you can double or tripple your Productivity.

Dont forget this formula “task completion leads to success” . When you complete your task it makes you feel good which in turn makes you happy and positive which in turn increases your confidence and finally your self esteem becomes incredible.

“The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.”

Vidal Sassoon

6. Continuous Learning :

All the successful people are life long learner. All the Successful people know it very well that there is no limit and they can learn anything whatever they set their mind for.

All the successful people incorporated this habits into their life.
1. Read at least for 30 minutes to 1 hour everyday about their field.
2. Listen to audio tapes while traveling. 3. Go to seminar and takes notes.
4. Write down action they can take immediate toward their goal.
5. Dedicated their life to a long term learning like a student.

7.Conclusion :

Success is the natural consequence of constantly applying the fundamental of success to life. The same is true for health, wealth and happiness. The key is to stick to the fundamental. Weather you want to improve health ,wealth, personal achievement, carrier or business the difference between success and failure is always lies in the degree of commitment to seek out, study the principal or key and applying it into your life.

So now we come to the most important question you can ask ask immediately is Which is the one key from this article will if I implement now will move me towards my goal?
Let me know in a comment.

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Narayan Solanki

Hi! My name is Narayan Solanki. I’m an Engineer/Blogger living in Gujarat, India. I’m currently discovering the hidden secret of success in life.